Books and exhibition catalogues
2019 - GRANDE, John K.: "Being and Form", in Art Sapace Ecology - two views-twenty interviews, pp. 174-185. Black Rose Books, Toronto, Canada, 2019. 2018 - SHIROTO, Seiji, HAYASHI, Tomofumi: Spirit of Enku, within the catalogue of the exhibition Enku Grand Award, (English/Japanese) pp. 12-17. The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, Gifu Prefectural Government, Japan, February 2 to March 11, 2018. 2017 - CAMPERT, Remco: within the catalogue of the exhibition Stage of Being, (English/Dutch) pp. 46-47. Voorlinden Museum, Wassenaar, Holland, December, 2017. 2016 - ALLARD, Alexandre: Invasão Criativa Cidade Matarazzo pp. 256-257 São Paulo, Brazil, 2016.
- AMARAL, Aracy; FARIAS, Agnaldo: "Henrique Oliveira" (English/Portuguese), 320 pp. Sesi-SP, Cosac Naify, Galeria Millan. São Paulo 2016. - FAST, Friederike: "Fragile Reality" - published for the exhibition Bizarre Spaces - Attacks, Transformations, Explosions. MARTA Herford (English/German). pp33-36., Herford, Germany, 29th of October 2016 - 5th of February, 2017. - GERMANO, Beta: "The body I live in" in BLOOM a horti-cultural view, (Portuguese/English) pp. 168-173, published by Editora Tedde, Porto Alegre, Brazil. October 2016.
- CAVALLUCCI, Fabio: "Henrique Oliveira - Transcorredor" - published for the exhibition The End of the World. Centro Luigi Pecci per l'Arte Contemporanea (English/Italian). pp304-307. Prato, Italy. Silvana Editoriale, Milan, 2016. 2015 - ZILBER, Emilyi:within the catalogue of the exhibition "Crafted: objects in flux" pp. 136-139. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA, August 25, 2015 to January 10, 2016. MFA Paublications, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015. 2014
- ALLARD, Alexandre: Made by brazilians pp. 163-168, 1st edition, published by Editora Capivara, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 2014
- LUC, Virginie: De la Nature à L'oeuvre (French) pp. 92-97, published by Les Éditions Ulmer, Paris, France, 2014.
2013 - ALVES, Cauê: "Beyond Brazilianness" published within the catalogue of the exhibition Brasiliana - Installations from 1960 to the present, curated by Martina Weinhart, p.120, 124 and 126. With the presence of artists Lygia Clark, Dias & Riedweg, Cildo Meireles, Maria Nepomuceno, Ernesto Neto, Hélio Oiticica/Neville D'Almeida, Henrique Oliveira and Tunga. Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany, 2nd of october, 2013 - 5th of january, 2014. - BEMBEKOFF, Marc: "Baitogogo"; SCOVINO, Felipe: "Soft Solids"- published for the exhibition Baitogogo, Palais de Tokyo (English/French) - SAM Art Projects, Paris, France, 20th of June - 9th of September, 2013. - La distance juste, catalogue of the exhibition curated by Albertine de Galbert. P. 19. Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, Paris, France, 24th of June- 27th of July 2013. - GLASNER, Barbara and OTT, Stephan: Wonder Wood: A Favorite Material for Design, Architecture and Art. pp. 188-189. Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland, 2013. - KLABIN, Vanda: "Henrique Oliveira: Provisional Landscapes", within the catalogue of the exhibition Henrique Oliveira, (English/Portuguese) curated by Vanda Klabin. Centro Municipal de Artes Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2nd of December 2012 - 3rd of February 2013. 2012 - BUTTROSE, Ellie: "Henrique Oliveira on Sculpture", interviewed within the catalogue of the exhibition Sculpture is Everything curated by Kathryn Weir. P. 71. Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia, 18th of August - 28th of October 2012. - DUARTE, Luisa; RÜCKERT, Genoveva; VOGEL, Sabine: "Henrique Olivera - Urban Skin", (English/German) within the catalogue of the exhibition Ursulinens Prolapse, Offenes Kulturhaus. OK Books, Linz, Austria, 2012. - KLANTEN, Robert; EHMANN, Sven; HÜBNER, Matthias and SINOFZIK, Anna: High Touch: Tactile Design and Visual Explorations. pp. 180-183. Gestalten, Berlin, Germany, 2012. - MANCO, Tristan: Raw + Material = Art: Found, Scavenged and Upcycled. pp. 198 - 205. Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 2012. - ROCHA, Marcelo: "Um penetrável em Madureira / A penetrable in the park", within the catalogue of the public sculpture project OIR: Outras Ideias para o Rio = Other Ideas for Rio, (English/Portuguese) with the presence of artists Jaume Plensa, Andy Goldsworthy, Brian Eno, Ryoji Ikeda, Henrique Oliveira and Robert Morris. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012. - SALCEDO, Sonia: "Habit(a)ction = Abyme", within the catalogue of the exhibition Art in Brazil (1950-2011), organized for the occasion of the Europalia. Museé Bozar, Brussels, Belgium, 12th of October 2011 - 15th of January 2012. - TEIXEIRA COELHO, Jose: 1911-2011 Arte Brasileira e Depois, na coleção Itaú. pp. 153 - 154. Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, 2012. 2011 - AMARAL, Aracy: "A arte urbana de Henrique Oliveira", within the catalogue of the exhibition Henrique Oliveira. Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, (English/French) Paris, France, 9th of September - 9th of October 2011. - BARBIERI, Stela and FRANCE, Pedro: Documentação da 29ª Bienal de São Paulo, curated by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos. P. 170. Fundação Bienal São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 2011. - CAMERON, Dan: "No-Fly Zone" within the catalogue of the exhibition Henrique Oliveira. Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 24th of February - 5th of June 2011. - MILBOURNE, Karen E.: "What We See" within the catalogue of the exhibition Artists in Dialogue 2 - Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira, curated by Karen Milbourne. Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington-DC, USA, 2nd of February 2011 - 8 th of January 2012. - MURUCCI, Alexandre: "CorpoOrgânicoPop", within the catalogue of the exhibition Nova Escultura Brasileira, curated by Alexandre Murucci. Pp. 33-35 / pp. 68-69. Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro, 14th of November 2011 - 8th of January 2012. Gala Edições de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011. - RESENDE, Ricardo: "Tapumes", within the catalogue of the itinerant exhibition of the Prêmio CNI SESI Marcantônio Vilaça Artes Plásticas 2009/10. pp. 68-71 / pp. 143-145. (English/Portuguese), Serviço Social da Indústria - SESI, Confederação Nacional de Indústria - CNI. Brasília, Brazil, 2011. 2010 - ARANTES, Priscila: Enciclopédia temporada de projetos: 1997-2009. P. 141. Paço das Artes, Estate of São Paulo, Brazil, 2010. - FARIAS, Agnaldo and DOS ANJOS, Moacir: "Há sempre um copo de mar para um homem navegar", catalogue of the 29ª São Paulo Bienal, curated by Agnaldo Farias e Moacir dos Anjos. P. 212. Fundação Bienal São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010. - KLANTEN, Robert e FEIREISS, Lukas: Staging Space: Scenic Interiors and Spatial Experiences. pp. 228-229. Gestalten, Berlin, Germany, 2010. - RESENDE, Ricardo: interview published within the catalogue of the exhibition of the Prêmio CNI SESI Marcantônio Vilaça Artes Plásticas 2009/10. pp. 49-63. (English/Portuguese). Serviço Social da Indústria - SESI, Confederação Nacional de Indústria - CNI. Brasília, Brazil, 2010. 2009 - DAVENPORT, Kimberly: "Tapumes", within the catalogue of the exhibition Henrique Oliveira: Tapumes. Rice Gallery, Rice University, Houston, USA, 26th of March - 11th of August 2009. 2008 - ALBUQUERQUE, Fernanda: "Investigações Pictóricas", within the catalogue of the exhibition Temporada de projetos 2007-2008: Henrique Oliveira, Jurandy Valença e Renata Barros. Paço das Artes, São Paulo, 1st of August - 21st of September 2008. - GIRARD, Joël e SEROUSSI, Benjamin: "Henrique Oliveira", interview published within the catalogue of the exhibition Seja Marginal, Seja Herói. Galerie Georges-Philippe et Nathalie Vallois / Galerie Natalie Seroussi / Galerie Vallois - Sculptures Contemporaines, Paris, France, 10th of September - 19th of October 2008. 2007 - LAUDANNO, Claudia: catalogue of the exhibition La espiral de Moebius o los limites de la pintura, curated by Claudia Laudanno. Centro Cultural Parque de Espanha, Rosário, Argentina, 17th of August - 16th of September 2007. 2006 - DOS SANTOS, Maria Ivone: "Um texto para um contexto: Fiat Mostra Brazil", within the catalogue of the exhibition Fiat Mostra Brazil. Pp. 68-71. Porão das Artes da Fundação Bienal, São Paulo. 8th of November - 30th of November 2006. Cria!Cultura, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2006. - TEIXEIRA COELHO, Jose: Coleção Itaú Contemporâneo Arte no Brasil 1981-2006, published to accompany the exhibition Itaú Contemporâneo - Arte no Brasil 1981-2006, curated by Teixeira Coelho. Pp. 172-173. Grupo Itaú, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, 21st of March - 27th of May 2012. 2004 - MONACHESI, Juliana: 9ª Bienal de Artes Visuais de Santos. Centro de Cultura Patrícia Galvão, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, 16th of April - 6th of June 2004. Press articles
2017 - FRANKEL, David: "Henrique Oliveira, Van de Weghe Fine Art". Art Forum, nº 77, pp. 245-246. New York NY, USA, October 2017. 2016 - GOUVEIA, Thais: Henrique Oliveira: Galeria Millan (Anexo), São Paulo 2-30 April. in Art Review magazine, p.121. London, UK, vol.68 May 2016. 2015
- BAITINGER, Frédéric-Charles: "Henrique Oliveira: Une nouvelle nature spiritualisée", in Grafitti Art magazine, nº 27, pp. 84-91 (French/English). Paris, France. October - November - December 2015.
2014 - BELCHIOR, Camila: "Power Arte: Alta Tensão", in Bamboo, nº 40, pp. 66-67. São Paulo, Brazil. October 2014
- BOUTOULLE, Myriam: "Les épidermes urbains d'Henrique Oliveira", in Connaissaince des Arts, (hors-série nº627), pp.10-11. Société Française de Promotion Artistique, Paris, France, 2014.
- CHAMP, Monique: "Henrique Oliveira: The work of the remarkable Brazilian artist", in Ala Champ, nº8, pp 88-97. J&M, London, UK, 2014.
- KWON, Liz Yisun: "Art & Space: Henrique Oliveira" in BOB International Magazine of Space Design, nº 117, pp. 118-123; A&C Publishing Co., Seoul, South Korea. 1º de Abril de 2014.
- NORBIATO, Luciana Pareja: "De volta às Raízes", in Select magazine, nº 18, p. 100. Published by Editora Brasil 21 Ltda. São Paulo, Brazil, June/July 2014.
- RABELLO, Tânia: "Henrique Oliveira takes on space", ARTE!Brasileiros magazine, nº 24, pp. 52-58. Published by Brasileiros Editora, São Paulo, Brazil, May and June 2014. - TULIP, Erica: "Destaque: Henrique Oliveira" in Dasartes magazine, nº 35, pp. 48-54. Published by Indexa Editora, São Paulo, Brazil. August/September 2014 2013 - BERLAND, Alain: "Henrique Oliveira, D'Après Nature". Arts Magazine, nº 77, pp. 76-79. Paris, France, June 2013. - BIRGÉ, Jean-Jacques: "Pas de Vagues, ni nouvelles au Palais de Tokyo". Online magazine Mediapart. France, 21st of June 2013. - CHARBAU, Gaël: "Henrique Oliveira", within the dossier dedicated to the exhibition L'Arbre de vie curated by Gaël Charbau e Alain Berland. Collège des Bernardins´magazine Questions d'Artistes, nº V, pp. 82-83. Paris, France, January/July 2013. - DE BOURBON PARME, Aude: "Palais de Tokyo; Comme um Vent de Fraîcheur. Art Actuel magazine, nº 87, p. 12. Paris, France, July/August 2013. - SCOVINO, Felipe: "Odissée Organique". L'Officiel Art magazine, nº 4, pp. 112-117. Paris, France, December/January/February 2013. 2012 - DUBLY, Sixtine: "Art contemporain brésilien, 8 artistes que font l'histoire". Ideat Magazine, nº 91, p. 298. Paris, France, March 2012. - FLÓRIDO, Marisa: "Poética das sobras". O Globo, segundo caderno, p. 4. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17th of December 2012. - FURLANETO, Audrey: "A ironia de Emmanuel Nassar e as formas de Henrique Oliveira". O Globo, segundo caderno, p. 12. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1st of December 2012. - LASNIER, Jean-François: "Henrique Oliveira, artiste tentaculaire". Connaisance des Arts magazine, nº 704, pp. 98-99. Paris, France, May 2012. - LONGMANM, Gabriela: "Floresta Artificial". Vogue Brasil, nº 407, pp. 112-113. São Paulo, Brazil, July 2012. 2011 - PHILLIPS, Dom: "In the studio: Henrique Oliveira". Time Out magazine - São Paulo, nº 3, p. 63. São Paulo, Brazil, January 2011. - RAHE, Nina: "Retrato do artista Henrique Oliveira". Bravo magazine, nº 168, pp. 10-13. São Paulo, Brazil, August 2011. - WARE, Marisa: "Repurposing meanings: New BMoCA exhibits redefine trash to make art". Boulder Weekly, p. 23. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 24th of June 2010. 2010 - "Image and Reality". Architecture & Art magazine, v. 30, nº 9, pp. 92-95. China, September 2010. - "Artistas revelação 2010". Anuário Das Artes 2011, p. 22. O Selo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. - ALZUGARAY, Paula: "Samplers de pinturas". Istoé magazine, nº 2118, pp. 166-167. São Paulo, Brazil, 16th of June 2010. - BRAZ, Carlos Henrique: "Tinta, madeira e prestígio". Revista Veja Rio, nº 9, p. 69. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 9th of June 2010. - BUSTOS, Pedro Pablo: "Henrique Oliveira em las superficies gastadas del mundo". Arte Al Limite magazine, nº 36, pp. 30-35. Santiago de Chile, Chile, May/June 2010. - CORREA, Ademir: "Arquitetura do avesso". O Estado de São Paulo - Casa, nº 289, pp. 24-29. São Paulo, Brazil, 25th of April 2010. - DALE, Joana: "Henrique Oliveira", O Globo magazine, nº 325, pp. 20-22. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17th of October 2010. - HUNTER, Allison: "Henrique Oliveira's Tridimensional: Bushstroke, Form, and Space". Sculpture Magazine, International Sculpture Center, v. 29, nº 5, pp. 34-39. Washington DC, USA, June 2010. - MARTÍ, Silas: "Grande vagina impressiona visitantes na Bienal de SP". Folha de São Paulo - Ilustrada, p. E4. São Paulo, Brazil, 10th of October 2010. 2009 - "Henrique Oliveira: A carne do mundo". Attitude: Interior Design, nº 28, pp.42-43. Lisbon, Portugal, 2009. - BRITT, Douglas: "Brazilian artist at home at Rice: Henrique Oliveira finds suitable space for his work at Rice University". Houston Chronicle - Zest Magazine, p. 4. Houston, USA. 5th of April 2009. - CARTER, Leo: "A plywood mindscape". The Rice Thresher, v. XCVI, nº 24, pp.12, 27. Houston, USA, March 2009. - LY, Cecília: "Recoletor de madera". Casas: Uma revista de cosas, nº 148, pp. 26-28. Lima, Peru, 2009. - VERAS, Eduardo: "A casa monstro: O artista Henrique Oliveira criou inusitada intervenção em velho palacete do Centro, na Capital". Zero Hora, nº 16, p. 4. Porto Alegre, Brazil, 12th of October 2009. 2008 - GIOIA, Mario e MARTÍ, Silas: "Zona Franca: Com exposições no exterior, jovens nomes paulistas defendem uma arte internacional e comentam o excesso de informação". Folha de São Paulo - Ilustrada, pp. E1 e E4. São Paulo, Brazil, 24th of July 2008. - LEAL, Aline: "Dasartes / Garimpo". Revista Selo, p.71. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November/December 2008. - MACCASH, Doug: "Backward concept leads to dated display". The Times Picayune, New Orleans, USA, 15th of February 2008. 2006 - MONACHESI, Juliana: "O pulso da pintura atual". Bien'Art, revista da Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, nº 18, p. 51. São Paulo, Brazil, April 2006. |